Friday, October 31, 2008

Di kala Perot Lapar,Hati Membara

Di satu sudut,di hujung kamar,ade sorang mamat.Penuh gaya menyikat rambot(walaupun rambut pacak dah).Masuk seorang makhluk N9..

"Den lapow nie..Tamau makan ka?''katanya..

Amenda laa ko mepek ni Leman(bukan name sebenor)..Aku tengok ke arah die dan terkejut,,,

"Mak datuk...Ko gile ke ape makin hari aku tgk bulu dada ko makin lebat.Haha.."sambil melihat dadaku yang plain..

"Den lapow nie.Jom pi makan.."

Itula memberku,dikala lapar mencari aku.Apa maksudnya.Aku pon ikotla kerenah mamat tu yg katanya lapow tadi.haha..orang nogori2..cakap belit aku nak paham.haha..

"Adie(bukan nama sebenar),,aku mandi dulu ek.melekit badan Den nie"sambil berlagak pandai ckp nogori..

Mamat tu mengangguk tanda setuju..Aku pun mencapai berus gigi aku cap Oral-B ke tandas.Tak pasal-pasal aku menghentak pintu terlalu kuat.Padahnya,pintu tercabut engselnya..

"K*M*K!!! wut the F**k"penuh marah aku mencarut..

Pintu tercabut engselnya.Lahabau.Macam mane nie..Takleh tutup plak.Feces di hujung anus dah,..Bantai...

Tak ku duga,,rumah blackout tibe-tibe sedang aku meneruskan perjuangan di bangku tandas.Tidak.Gelap.Tiba-tiba,,ppintu dibuka..Lilin bernyala,,Alamak...[bersambung]

How To make a Sushi Roll

Its been a phenomena in Medan where many students here crazy in luv with sushi.Me,as well,love eating sushi.For ur information,before this,i rather eat maggi mee than eat that kind of "stupid food"..haha.But,that is when i was in secondary school.After almost 2 years live in Medan,one perfect mrs sumthing teach me how delicious sushi is.Haha..pretty weird where she non-stop inspiring me to eat sushi even i almost get vomit after eating that not well-cooked food.Yukxx..

But now,im addicted of that not well-cooked food and i wish there is a sushi delivery service.Haha.Suddenly,one stupid idea came through.haha.I want to make a sushi on my own.So how??erm,after searching for almost 1 hours,i found a very great recipe on how to make a sushi within 30minutes.haha.You can make your own sushi at home following these steps.

Prepare The Rice
1.Buy the right kind of rice. Sushi rice is different from the ordinary long grain rice you find in your supermarket. To make sushi rice, you will need short grain rice. Cook the rice according to package directions on the stove or in a steamer. Only the short grain rice will give you the stickiness required when making sushi.

2.Season your rice after it is cooked. Heat up a few tablespoons of Japanese rice vinegar with a few tablespoons of sugar and 2 to 3 pinches of salt. When the sugar and salt are dissolved your vinegar is ready. Mix the vinegar in with your cooked rice.

3.Empty your cooked rice from the cooking container into a plastic or wooden bowl and spread it out. Your rice needs to cool for safe handling and extra stickiness.

Make The Sushi

1.Acquire Nori, or seaweed wrap, at your local Asian market or specialty gourmet store. You may also order it online. Lay your Nori or seaweed wrap on the bamboo sushi mat with the shinier side facing the mat.

2.Wet your hands lightly in water and press a thin layer of the rice onto the seaweed wrap evenly.

3.Place your ingredients in the middle of the wrap. You can use any combination of fish and vegetables that suits your taste. Be sure that your vegetables are cut thinly for easier eating. Fish should also be thinly sliced for a delicate flavor. Some thinly sliced ginger adds a great flavor to sushi.

4.Pull up your bamboo mat carefully and begin to roll your sushi. Keep the roll as tight as possible. When the roll is complete, use a bit of water on the edge of your Nori to help it stick to itself.

5.Slice the sushi roll into as many pieces as you like. Dip in soy sauce and enjoy!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Kisah Si Pemandu becak

Di suatu petang yang dingin,,,,

"bang,mau ke Sun Plaza brapa pak?"aku bertanya kepada satu pemandu becak.

"25 aja udah"katanya..

"mahal kali pak.Sering-sering ke sana 15 aja pak"aku berkata..

"ahh..orang itu ngak tau harga pasaran sekarang"katanya tegas...

"ngak apa-apalah pak.Saya naik becak lain aja lah.Mahal kali."kataku dalam rasa marah.

"Ya udah.Naik aja.Udah mau ujan ini"pasrah...

Aku naiklah becak dengan harga 15 ribu ke Sun plaza.Tanpa dilupakan,aku bagitau kepada bapak becak tu supaya singgah ke Sei Padang untuk mengambil Si Dia.Dia angguk sambiil masam tanda protes.

Sebelum berangkat,aku lihat di tepi2 jalan itu,berdekatan becak,ternampak beberapa orang budak kecil yang masih hingusan bermain2 di situ sambil bertanya,,

"bapak mau kemana?kami masih lapar pak"kata kanak-kanak itu.

Aku terkejut.

"Bentar ya nak.Nanti bapak pulang.Suruh ibu kamu masak air untuk diminum"kata bapak itu.

Rupanya kanak-kanak itu adalah anak kepada bapak Becak tersebut.Aku berubah menjadi kasihan.Lapar anak-anaknya.

"Siapa tu,bapak?"aku bertanya tanda ingin tahu..

"Anak-anak bapak."dia membalas..

Kesian aku tengok budak-budak tu.Sanggup tunggu ayahnya belikan makanan kerana lapar menunggu makanan.Aku jadi tidak sampai hati sebab tengok budak-budak menahan lapar disebabkan masalah ekonomi keluarga.

Lepas aku ambil Si Dia dari tempatnya,hujan turun lebat sekali.Dia berhenti dan memasangkan kami dengan alas plastik supaya hujan tak membasahi kami.Aku tengok die kesejukan menahan hujan walaupun sudah memakai baju hujan.

Tibanya aku di Sun Plaza,aku turun dan mengambil 30 ribu dari dompetku dan diberi kepada bapak becak tersebut.Sebelum aku beredar,aku dapat lihat die tersenyum.

Apa yang aku nak ceritakan dan kongsi hari ni pasal kisah seorang pemandu becak di Kota Medan ini.pengalaman aku ni membuatkan aku tergerak hati nak share sama-sama dengan semua pasal kisah si pemandu becak.

Untuk kawan-kawan yang tak tinggal di Medan ni mesti tatau Becak tu ape?becak ialah satu daripada pelbagai 'public transport' di Indonesia.Di Malaysia,kita panggil beca tapi dengan basikal.Tapi yang menariknya kat sini,beca di indonesia gunakan motor sebagai penggerak.

Kisah di atas betul-betul membuatkan aku sedar dan 'realize' bagaimana situasi hidup sebagai seorang miskin dan membuat aku sedar supaya bukan semua orang didunia ini senang hidupnya.Bukan semua yang buruk diminta,tetapi semua yang buruk mengajar kita berusaha untuk mengharunginya

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Bang Theory;;Have u ever wonder

Have u ever wonder how this universe was set up by an extraordinary calculation based on science?Last nite i wondered how it happened while i was capturing some of photos.I then try to find some of the info based on science n Islam.Basicly,the theory of Big Bang was not persistly as what it exactly happened but they conclude it in one theory.Theres some info dat i discovered n this really2 open my eyes how coplicated it was.

The Big Bang theory is the current dominant scientific theory explaining the acceleration of matter throughout the Universe. Big bang theories are actually a class of scientific models that describe the Universe as expanding from a very hot, dense state approximately 13.7 billion years ago(although this number has changed several times throughout recent history). It was first proposed by Georges-Henri Lemaitre and evidence for the expansion was observed by Edwin Hubble. Later George Gamow predicted that the Big Bang would leave an observable microwave background radiation (or CMBR). This radiation was subsequently discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at Bell Labs and found to be close to that predicted by Gamow (Gamow predicted a background radiation level equivalent to a roughly 3 K black body object, and the observed level is that of a 2.725 K body). Pensiaz and Wilson were awarded a Nobel Prize in 1978 for their work.

The term "Big Bang" implies an explosion of matter into pre-existing space, but the theory actually indicates that space is dynamic and more space is constantly created in the interstices between particles as the density of the universe falls. In other words, the Big Bang describes the expansion of space and time. Big Bang theorists state that the Hubble redshift is a consequence of this stretching of the fabric of space.

Observations of distant supernovae indicate that the Universe is actually undergoing accelerated expansion and galaxy surveys and recent observations of the microwave background have corroborated these claims. Conventional wisdom is that the acceleration is caused by some sort of dark energy, which has not yet been directly observed.

Scientists refer to the exact moment the Big Bang began as t=0 ("t" standing for "time"). At this time, all of the matter in the universe - in fact, the universe itself - was contained within a single point (a single point in mathematics is infintessimally small). A burst of energy known as the Big Bang issued forth, and the universe began. 1.0×10-43 seconds later, the force of gravity separated from the other forces. In 2006, researchers used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (launched by NASA in 2001) to measure variations in the cosmic microwave background (a "faint glow which permeates the universe"). According to these measurements, the universe is estimated to be about 13.7 billion years old, "give or take a few hundred-thousand years"

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe emerged from an extremely dense and hot state called the original singularity.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kisah Hidup akuDiaDanLatep

Erm,,dlm post kali nie,aku nak byk ceritakan pengalaman hidup aku dari kecik sampai besar.Siape family aku,siapa yg byk berjasa kat aku n sumer kisah2 hidup yg dari kecik2 sampai laa skang..ape yg aku buat dgn family..hehe.harap2 aku ingat..Cerita bermula....

Erm,aku dilahirkan pada tanggal 13 Ogos tahun 1988.Masa aku lahir dulu,mak aku ckp,muka aku kedut2.tatau kenapa..Family aku bagi nama aku Latiff Iqramie ada sebabnya.Arwah datuk aku dulu,ayah kepada bapak sgt suka nama nie.Waktu aku dilahirkan,atuk kasik nama nie.Teringat dkt atuk.Dulu die garang,dlm garang die,cucu2 sumer syg dkt die.Al-Fatihah utk atuk tercinta.

Skang aku nak ceritakan siapa ayah n mak aku.Ayah aku namanya Mohd Zaki n Mak aku namanya Zafidah.Aku ingat lagi dulu2 mase kecik ayah aku rambot nk elvis je n mak aku plak dress up nk rogue je..hehe..but tu fashion dulu2 yg ramai dah nk ikot skang.Ayah sorang yg serious n mama lak org yg suke berckp.

Dalam hidup aku,dikurniakan 4 org adik yg sgt kecoh.Mcm2 hal jadik kat umah n riuh rendah skalik jadiknye.Tp,itulah adik2 aku.Aku anak plg sulong.Adik aku yg kedua ni perempuan.Nama dia Syazabilla n whole family called her noneng.Adik aku yg ketiga namanya Fiza Asyiqin.aku pun xpaham sgt ngan perangai adik aku yg sorang ni.Kejap bising.Kejap senyap.Suke ati ngko la..hehe.Adik aku yg ke empat ni baik sket.DAnial.Dulu kecik2 degil nk,sejak dah besar,perangai dah patuh abes dah.sape ubah tatau la.haha.Adik aku plg bongsu nama dia Aliff Dhuranni.Ni lagi sorang.manja sket.mentang2 anak bongsu.

Aku dgn adik2 aku ni slalu bergaduk kecik2 dulu.Xkire laa gado pasal ape.Mesti nk lawan.Ayah ngan ma dah x larat nk jage dah.Skang sume dah besar.Sume dah pandai jage adab n dah pandai beradap.Dulu kecik2 main bedal je.haha.Skang sume dah duk jauh2.Aku blajar dkt sumatera.Noneng blajar dkt Bandung.Fiza plak blajar dkt Kemaman.Danial dah masuk MRSM.tinggal aliff je kat umah duk melayan ma n ayah.Rase sunyi bile xde masing2.Walaupun kecoh n gado2,tu yg bagi aku suasana duk berkeluarga.

Aku slalu bayang,besar2 nanti camne laa perangai aku ngan adik2.Aku slalu tgk byk keluarga,adik beradik diorang gado je manjang.mcm2 hal even benda simple je bleh jadik complicated.Aku harap besar2 nanti aku xde laa jadik mcm tu..Tu je cite aku n kisah hidup kecik2 aku n family aku..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1st Day raya,.....Heppy Eid

Mcm xsangke plak arini dah start raye..
sebulan aku melawan hawa nafsu dari benda2 yg membatalkan poser...[hahaha]
Erm,,,tepat jam 8 aku bangun dari tidur.Sgt2 penat
Semalam aku tdo jam 540..mmg xleh tdoo

DAri jam 12 aku try xdpt..haishh..
knp laa dgn aku..baring sane sini xdpt tdo gak..
ingat nk msg2 dgn org,,hehe..dah tdo..
Si Dia mmg cepat tdo..aiyakkk
pastu aku pegilaa tgk2 tv..
wow,,ade bola..aku pon tgk laa..sedar2,,aku dah tertido kat luar..

Pagi tu aku bangun,,,n dlm mamai2 aku g mandi..
sejukk..tahan laa jugakk bdn nie..
Amek baju melayu aku..this year tema family kaler itam..
haha..dah lame aku xberaye smart2 mcm nie..asyik pakai baju same jerk..

1st umah aku g ialah umah nenek aku..
hmm..sedeyh aku bile rase raye kali nie..ntahlaa..
mcm2 yg dtg n kenangan2 dulu2 buat aku jadik sebak..
byk dah berubah dari dulu sampai skang..
Dulu aku ingat lagi,,tyme nk raye laa plg best.
Skang,,sumer dah lain..

Yg bestnye kali nie,,aku raye dgn status dah berubah..
aku heppi dgn situation aku skang..
erm,,sedey nye,..g umah nenek,,nenek x bwat kuih raye fevret aku..
wah,,,ngidam..aku suke kuih makmuR!..kalo korang tau laa
hehe..mcm biase,,hari pertama raye,,ayah akan sibuk buat catering kat umah MB.

Sibuk ek ayah,,smalam die x balek umah..stay up sambil tggu n check sumer persiapan nk jamuan esok..10000 org tu.,.gile..
kalo aku,,mmg x larat nk,,duit nye pasal..hehe
start kol 11,,org ramai dah start dtg dahh..
mcm2 org aku jumpe..
plg klakar skalik,,ramai2 berebut kuih raye yg aku hidang atas table..
bapak ah..kejap gile abes..siyes,,xsampai 2 min aku letakk
makan laa korang..enjoy puas2..hahaha

this year aku dah ade camera..haha..
ape agi,,snap sane snap sini laa...hahhaa..
pic noneng plg byk aku snap...erm,,kang aku postkan pic2 adek2 aku ek..
mcm2 food ade kat sini..fevret aku nasi dagang..
sedap gile..2x aku tambah..haha..
dlm pada aku sibuk melayan tetamu,duk tgk gak hp..
wahh,,dpt msg..hehe..Si Dia mmg ngah melantak kau kau kali nie..
tp,,kuros gak..plik aku..
hahahah...xbyk aku nk cite kali nie..sbb otak aku ngah pk benda lain..
hehe,,,Sekian laporan hari raya pertama...